Everything we do affects us all

July 3, 2013

Mark Zuckerberg and Haley Barbour Team Up for Immigration

Google's Mark Zuckerberg is the MONEY behind Americans for a Conservative Direction and is teaming up with Haley Barbour and Marco Rubio to run pro-Immigration Reform ads all over right-wing media.

For the last three months theirs has been the only politically based ad running on the Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity radio shows and in recent weeks on the Fox News TV Channel as well. It is pervasive! The ad promotes reform as a 'conservative idea' while ignoring that Tea Party conservatives want 'NO BILL' and are sticking to their mantra of 'Enforce Existing Laws'.

In a delicious bit of irony, Hannity and Limbaugh spend most of their on-air time railing against Immigration Reform and never acknowledge that a pro-reform advertisement is their main sponsor!

 The Immigration Reform bill is already creating schisms throughout the Right and as Rush Limbaugh ominously noted on his Monday show 'I'm hearing talk of a 3rd party if Republicans support this'. Wow!

This could lead to the birth of a real third party-to the right of the Republicans in 2014! This 4th of July the real fireworks in DC will come a little late, but it could be the best show ever!


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