Everything we do affects us all

July 15, 2013

Trayvon's Law: The Cure

Juror B37 said- 'Zimmerman was GUILTY of not using good judgement.' 'He shouldn't have gotten out of the truck.' 'The law left us no good option.'
If all applicable charges had been on the table Zimmerman would not have walked. 

I understand that various state judicial systems and our federal judicial system are unique unto themselves, all operating under the US Constitution. Focusing strictly on the Florida Judicial System, I must say that there seems to be a built in 'devil's deal' concerning the manner in which the prosecution must bring forth charges. It seems that if the prosecution wants to seek a conviction on a Murder charge, they feel that they might undercut their case on that charge if they also seek Manslaughter charges and likewise that charge might be undercut by the prosecution bringing charges on lesser crimes like Assault and/or Battery.

I think that a better idea would be if Florida state law (and other states' laws) required the prosecution to bring forth 'all pertinent charges' and that the defendant be required to face 'all pertinent charges'. Despite the complexity of Florida's firearms and 'stand your ground' laws, I'm sure we will all always wonder what the jury in the Zimmerman trial might have done if they had these and other lesser charges available to them. Might they not have found some way to show George Zimmerman that he had gone over the line in his own self defense (Battery)? Surely they could have found a legal means for Zimmerman to do, at least, some time behind bars, to at least be placed on lengthy probation and surely they could have concluded that his 'right to carry' a gun had only caused him and the community needless stress and pain and should be revoked?

Both the Zimmerman and Casey Anthony trials seem to have left much of the community feeling that justice could have been done a whole lot better. I think that this change in state law I describe might have helped. I hope this change will be made in the name of Trayvon Martin.

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