Everything we do affects us all

June 27, 2013

How Immigration Passes the House Too

First, Speaker Boehner won't bring the Senate bill to the floor for a vote in the House. Instead he will let the Republicans in the House draft a very conservative Immigration bill emphasizing border security.

Paul Ryan will write the bill and John Boehner will bring it to a vote.

Most House Democrats won't vote for it, but most Republicans who have not supported reform thus far will vote for it. That bill will pass and go to conference with the Senate bill.

The final product out of conference will be tougher on security and legalization than the original Senate bill. A good many Dem's in both houses will protest and threaten to reverse their 'Yay' votes and kill the bill. This will give cover to even more Republicans to vote for it. At this point the bill may seem in jeopardy, but in the end, just enough wavering Democrats will say that they can't 'in good conscience stop progress on this important issue' and in the end it will pass both houses on bi-partisan votes and be signed into law by President Obama before Thanksgiving. Yay!


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