Everything we do affects us all

January 3, 2019

Stop Attacking Drugs!

Just as was the case with the prohibition of Alcohol, our government's banning of Marijuana has done far more harm than good and made things worse and not better for society as a whole. 
Nothing is worse for society than having a gigantic illegal, untaxed industry 'self-policing' its self. Prohibition of alcohol was ended because enforcing it was corrupting our system of justice and destroying the fabric of society. It was not ended because researchers discovered it 'was not addictive' and dangerous. It is.
In the case of the Coca and Poppy plants this equation is even more dramatic. No amount of success in stopping individuals from using and even overdosing on opiods can make up for the horrors of innocent people caught in the crossfire of a Drug War where law enforcement creates an artificial huge profit margin for gangsters to become billionaires from.
Drug laws promoted by the USA are destroying society in Central and South America. Down there, the occasional sad overdose victim pales in comparison to the countless innocent victims caught in the crossfire between drug gangs and corrupt law enforcement who are doing the bidding of the USA.

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