Everything we do affects us all

January 2, 2019

Are We There Yet?

The Universe is Infinite-People don't think about that enough

Do you have any idea what the size or radius of the universe is? Cosmologists do, but as any of them will tell you 'We're talking about the known universe'. "Known" is the key word here.

Today is another rotation of the earth, sun up to sundown, in a universe that stretches out to the edge of what we know and on out forever, with endless infinite things of all kinds we know and don't know.

That is 'God-like' but awfully hard to swallow for us, here on earth now.

Because we like to think 'We know it all, or, most of it and we'll get the rest real soon'. Therein lies the rub. Despite the bleakness of our mortal reality, here on the lonely planet earth, we could actually have a much nicer situation here if we simply solved old and costly conflicts between nations and societies. But we can't, so forget it, right?

We don't have to invent a new medical device or spaceship or cancer cure, what we need is a 'Human Fight Stopper' device, and we just can't build one. In a peaceful world our current technology could give us sweet lives that could make mortality seem only melancholy, instead of horrible.

Assuming God exists in some form, whatever you may picture or follow, whatever specific religion, surely we can all agree that "God" is looking down on children fighting and not learning the one lesson they need to bring heaven to earth, simple peace.

Not one war or murder happening today is 'necessary'. Imagine a world without those. Sadly, technology advances are not much help, sometimes they inflame conflicts.

There has been a rule for people since the dawn of history which states that 'If you don't find peace before your technology advances too far then you will bring hell upon yourself with your science.'

Are We There Yet?

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