Everything we do affects us all

October 10, 2013

Huey Long-Populist

According to the tables which we have assembled it is our estimate that 4% of the American people own 85% of the wealth of America, and that over 70% of the people of America don't own enough to pay the debts that they owe.


  1. Hahahaha ... Share the wealth? How about you earn your own wealth? What justifies forcibly taking what others have earned and giving it to YOU?

    You morons fall for the Marxist claptrap so easily. "Give us the power and we'll give you THEIR wealth!" That tells me your driving force is greed and selfishness. You're absolutely fine having other people work so you can steal their money. Marxism ALWAYS pits people against each other. That's why democrats have divided the US into little categories based on race, wealth, gender and sexual orientation. Marxist ALWAYS say it's not fair that someone else has more than you and they convince you that's it's ok to steal what they have and give it to you ... and you bite every single time.

    Disparity of wealth and the creation of a ruling class is what happens in leftist countries. The middle class slowly disappears and you're left with a rich, powerful ruling class and us ... you and me. The government controls who gets ahead and who doesn't, who gets rich and who doesn't.

    All the buzzwords used by democrats today come straight out of the Marxist handbook ... social justice, share the wealth, equality.

    Get it through your head ... the more left and powerful the government the poorer everyone else becomes. In leftist governments, it's the government that controls business, not the consumer as in a free market. Heavily controlled and regulated businesses have no choice but to work with a leftist government out of self interest. As we've witnessed this government has no qualms about using it's power to go after anyone who doesn't toe their line.

    Understand this ... the US has been going left since Woodrow Wilson. Liberals have succeeded in implementing countless programs over the decades. Why isn't everything great? Why is everything getting worse? Democrats always blame "rich people" and business. They use your inherent jealousy against you, and you justify their actions by voting for them every time. This country is so far left if we go any further left the Constitution and Bill of Rights will be useless.

    1. Did the Native Americans own this land? Or, does no one 'own' anything? Is it just survival of the fittest and you take what you can get by force? That's what we did. And in all societies throughout history it has been true that 'the haves' either share (in what society deems a fair way) or 'the have nots' will resort to violence and take what they need. I'm sorry that life is so much more complicated than you and the highschool dropout Rush Limbaugh want it to be....What do you think this quote means.....?
      "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." July 4th 1776 The Declaration of Independence:

    2. "What do you think this quote means.....?"

      It means to support the principles laid out in the Declaration they were willing to pledge their lives, fortunes and scared honor.

      It means they believed "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed".

      It means that they valued liberty so highly, that they would willingly sacrifice their lives, fortunes and honor to secure and hold it.

      Exactly what do YOU think it means? Have you ever read the Declaration? Or did you just copy part of it?

      They didn't pledge their lives, fortunes and honor to create a giant socialist welfare state where liberty is erased daily. They didn't pledge their lives, fortunes and honor to create a monstrous government that attacks people and organizations that don't agree with it.

      They didn't pledge their lives, fortunes and honor to create a system of government that punsihes the successful and steals the fruit of their labor.

      What is it exactly, that you think it means? Perhaps you should read the entire Declaration before you quote from it again.

  2. "And in all societies throughout history it has been true that 'the haves' either share (in what society deems a fair way) or 'the have nots' will resort to violence and take what they need".

    I'm sorry ... are you saying that it's ok to take what someone has worked hard for and earned? That just because someone doesn't want to bust their ass they have a right to take from someone who does?

    I don't think you know anything about the founding of this country. It also appears your brain has been taken over by Marxist parasites.

    If you have any brain left maybe you can understand that it's liberal policies that are creating more and more "have nots".

    What a commie cretin. Why don't you change the name of your blog to "COMRADESHIRLEY".

  3. In order to know where Huey Long was coming from, you just need to read his biography "The Kingfish". He states early on that his ideas would never work, they were just what the people wanted to hear. He even admits lying about his parents and grandparents in order to get votes. If anything Huey Long would have fit in with today's electorate.
