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August 8, 2013

Will GOP Go Far Right in 2016?

Ted Cruz...Rand Paul...?

NO-the moderate 'powers that be' will see to it that a more moderate candidate is picked...BUT that may result in Rand Paul and Ted Cruz going 3rd Party! If they don't I think RON PAUL (still kicking) is setting himself up to run independent with his new TV channel.

Marco Rubio (despite his gov shutdown threats over OB-Care) is a far more moderate option that Cruz and Rand Paul because of his liberal views on immigration. Rubio is my current favorite for the nomination.

1. Marco Rubio 27%
2. Jeb Bush 20%
3. Mark Sanford 15% [SURPRISE HE'S BAACK]

1 comment:

  1. Liberty is far right?

    My how successful the left's propaganda is. Today's socialist drones ... brainwashed by years of media propaganda ... now believe a massive central government controlling their lives and run by corrupt bureaucrats is "freedom".
