Everything we do affects us all

August 2, 2013

Is Russia Spying on Snowden?


Hell yeah they're spying on Snowden and monitoring all his calls and communications!

And as long as Snowdumb is in Russia/'the home of the free and the brave' this should be a great opportunity for him to show some solidarity with his comrades in the band Pussy Riot! Yeah Snowdumb, why don't you speak out in support of Pussy Riot and see how freedom loving Russia treats you for that.

And why are you in an undisclosed location? You love the press attention...are you sure it's not an 'undisclosed jail cell'?

You just try speaking out on behalf of any Russians who support freedom of speech, gay rights etc. and that will be the last we hear from you.

You could have stayed here in the USA and protested the NSA and President Obama, or whatever you want, if you had just not knowingly released classified material. But if you say the same things about Putin and Russia that you and Greenwald and Assange say about President Obama and our government, YOU ARE TOAST.

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