Everything we do affects us all

August 14, 2013

St. Petersburg College Dumps Professors Over ObamaCare- WHY?

 In an MSNBC.COM story Dr. Bill Law, president of St. Petersburg College explains why ObamaCare will force him to decrease the work hours of the majority of his professors so as to avoid the need to help them pay for health care and forcing many of them to quit.

Like many public colleges, the faculty at SPC are mostly part-time workers with no benefits!
The president of St. Petersburg College makes over $400,000 a year plus free healthcare plus a free car and he says they can't afford the $777,000 it would cost to give their 250 part-time professors health insurance!? How can any professor do a good job of teaching without health insurance and other benefits while working part-time? They are forced to spend more time and energy looking for better jobs than preparing to teach their students! 

This terrible trend in American higher education comes at a time when tuition prices nationwide are skyrocketing and federal funding for public colleges is increasing. Many states have also steadily increased funding to their public colleges, often allowed by dedicated funds from the booming state lottery industry. Also, many public colleges are slanting their admissions towards foreign students for the higher out of state tuition they pay .

The administrative bureaucracy in American academia today are working against the best interests of public education. From astronomical six and seven figure salaries for college presidents and assistants to the millionaires club of college football coaches (the 24 highest paid college football coaches all make between 2.5 and 5.5 MILLION dollars per year!) priorities at US colleges have flipped in the last 40 years from 'students and quality education' to shiny new buildings, football programs and astronomical salaries for the fat cats at the top.

This is a dirty rotten shame that begs for more and better federal oversight of our public universities.


  1. This is not a new trend; it has been going on for decades. College lecturers have been kept part-time with the express purpose of preventing them from becoming benefits-eligible. What's new is that now administrators blame it on ObamaCare.

    1. Exactly right! And it's a downright shame. It must change. C
