Everything we do affects us all

August 15, 2013

Don't Give Up On Egypt

As horrid as the violence in Egypt is we cannot suspend aid to Egypt, for our sakes and the Egyptians. 

We have to remember that the Mubarek administration was so ruthless that no one dared to protest in the streets or even dream of democracy and endless immoral acts of torture and murder were a daily occurrence, though unreported. And it is a fact that the same people, the vast majority of Egyptians, who wanted rid of Mubarek also wanted rid of Morsi.

Societal transition from centuries of monarchy, colonialism, dictatorship and police state, to democracy, is inevitably a dysfunctional and brutally tortuous thing. We must do all we can to help the Egyptian people and right now, sadly, the military is the only social organizing mechanism in place.

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