Everything we do affects us all

August 9, 2013

Limbaugh Racist Low

12:37 EST 8-9-13

Limbaugh plays a clip of Oprah Winfrey on the Today Show telling a story about visiting Switzerland and being denied service at a women's apparel store. She asked the clerk to allow her to see a purse that was on a shelf behind the counter. The clerk said 'no it's too expensive for you' and repeatedly refused Ms Winfrey service. Then Limbaugh commented...

Limbaugh-'What is she complaining about?! This is insane, I would give anything to be able to go, places in public and not be recognized. She has no idea how lucky she is.'

Today Show Link-


  1. How is limbaugh's comment racist??? All he is saying is she should appreciate not being recognized for a change. His comments had nothing to do with her race. You're just trying stoke the racial fire and finding anything to complain about on your rag of a blog since you can't obviously think of anything intellectual. What the clerk did might constitute racist, but that would even be jumping to conclusions since you weren't there. If she was dressed in sweatpants without makeup he might have been going on that she was dressed poorly, or it could have been because she was a woman, and had nothing to do with race. It was rude for sure, but jumping to the conclusion that it was purely about race is just ignorant, narrow minded and in itself racist. You're just as much a racist and a bigot as you claim they are.

    1. Yeah, I agree. How is what Limbaugh said racist? Liberals have no idea what racism is. All they know is anyone who doesn't agree with them is a racist.

      They're like bleating drone sheep ...
