Everything we do affects us all

August 9, 2013



Sean Hannity was the dumbest man on cable, now he's just the dumbest man!

Also, his replacement, Megan Kelly, is the most Liberal person on Fox and now she's anchoring their prime time! WHEEEEEEE!

I only wish he'd hung around long enough for me to spike that little nerf football down his throat!


  1. I think you are mistaken. He will be there for a long time.

  2. Once again your rampant stupidity and bias along with your lack of ability to fully research something before you regurgitate (I know that's a big word for you, it basically means repeat in this context) it. Hannity wasn't fired, no major news outlets are reporting it and in fact the ceo released this statement:

    Sean Hannity is a brand “viewers love and want to see.” Asked about a report Kelly was getting Hannity’s 9 PM timeslot: “All of our stars will be back,” adding the network has “new deals with Hannity and Greta and Shep.”

    -Roger Ailes

    much like everything else on your site, it's just a bunch of mindless dribble. I hope this isn't your day job. May want to stick to flipping burgers or whatever you do.

    1. And you foolishly believe anything Roger Ailes has to say and have the nerve to accuse Chip of mindless dribble?

      Hannity will be on Fox for awhile because he's in a long term contract with them. However, him getting bumped from the 9:00 pm is a huge blow to his career. And the reason for this is because his ratings are suffering. Ailes' talk of Hannity being a brand "viewers love and want to see" is BS. Hannity is also in danger of losing his radio show.

      Sure, Hannity may have not gotten fired from Fox, but he's been demoted. Demotion is only one step above getting fired and is used when management can't get rid of somebody outright.

      Before advising anyone to "keep their day job," you should do the same. You can't tell the difference between a press release and what's really going on below the surface. But, then again, Fox News viewers are notorious for their ignorance and stupidity. So, there's no surprise here.

    2. Speaking of "mindless dribble" you're not bad at it yourself. One change at Fox primetime and the socialist and communist twits go nuts. Not mentioned ... the constant musical chairs played by all the democrat propaganda networks.

      My favorite part of this post is calling Hannity a "racist twit". Is that stupid or what? Anyone, including blacks, who don't agree with the left are "racists". Socialist drones like chipshirley make great useful idiots who are easily fooled into being mouthpieces for the left.

    3. It's a major primetime change. The last change occurred 10 years ago.

      But, hey, given that you call everyone on the left socialists and communists, it's clear that you're not that bright and are woefully incapable of seeing beyond Roger Ailes' BS.

      By the way, there's no such thing as "democrat propaganda networks." This "liberal media" BS you're trying to sell here may have worked in the '80s, but not in 2013. And it's clear you are talking about MSNBC. MSNBC is not 100% liberal. It's 50% leftwing at best and the line-up changes made there are significant, too. Line-up changes are important no matter how many of them are made. It's clear you know nothing about how network and cable stations operate.

      And please have a long look in the mirror before calling anybody an useful idiot. You ignore the fact that Hannity's ratings are slipping both on Fox and on his radio show and still have the nerve to call Chip a useful idiot. Ratings are everything and even a jerk like Roger Ailes' isn't going to sit by and do nothing if Hannity continues to lose his network money.

      You're a pathetic ostrich who still has their head in the sand! You're the one who's being fooled but instead of realizing that, you chose to project your ignorance onto the left. Deal with your own issues and stop projecting them onto us!

      Sure, Chip may have been premature in saying that Hannity got fired from Fox, but him getting moved out of his primetime timeslot of 9:00pm after Bill O'Reilly is a demotion. If it hadn't been for the fact that Fox is still stuck with him contractually for the long haul, he could have easily been fired. And he still could be.

      But, hey, if you want to still keep your head in the sand, you foolish ostrich, be my guest.

    4. "You're a pathetic ostrich who still has their head in the sand! You're the one who's being fooled but instead of realizing that, you chose to project your ignorance onto the left. Deal with your own issues and stop projecting them onto us"!

      Denying liberal bias in the media is a sure sign that it's not me who has their head in the sand. It's you. Haven't you noticed that you don't hear anything about Afghanistan ... even though the deaths there have way surpassed anything during Bush's watch? Don't you notice how the press does it's best to protect the White House from scandal? They barely talk about Fast and Furious, The IRS, bugging the AP and a Fox News reporter, Benghazi, the economy, the unemployment rate and others. Imagine if all this had happened under Bush. Do you think the media would be so quiet?

      This country has been driven far, far left over the decades. The democrat party is socialist. They put forth socialist policies. You support those policies. You are, perhaps unwittingly, a socialist.

      Fifty years ago the democrat party was a strong supporter of individual rights, religion and the free market. Today they support government dependency, secularism, and a massive central government that controls all our lives. That certainly isn't liberty. There is nothing you can do today that isn't controlled by the government either through taxes, regulation or law. They snoop on all our communications, monitor our travel and want to control health care, what we eat, where we live, what we drive and how cool we can keep our homes. Central planning at it's best.

      Propaganda is powerful. It's fed to millions of people everyday. It's so powerful that now people equate liberty to the government taking care of them. Once you become aware of the propaganda effort however, it becomes useless. You'll see it in virtually everything you read and hear. Everything from blaming the Republicans for Obama's disastrous policies to the global warming hoax. It's all propaganda.

      Wake up.

    5. You wake up, Anonymous.

      The fact of the matter is that Shawn Hannity's ratings are falling. End of story!

      That's not propaganda. That's fact! Stop being a pathetic ostrich and deal with it!

    6. I am awake. I wasn't at one time. I was naïve, I trusted our government, believed the media and hey get this ... I voted democrat.

      Back to Hannity ... who cares? Apparently only you and chipshirley do. All news outlets lose viewership after an election. People are burned out. When 2014 gets closer viewership will pick up.

      I had two points in my original comment. One, nobody seems to mention the constant changeover at the liberal propaganda stations and two, how mindless liberals are that that use "racist" to describe everyone who isn't a member of the herd in good standing.

      You ignored both points and went off on some mindless ramble about ostriches. Perhaps you aren't quite awake yet. By the way ... it's Sean, not Shawn.

    7. You ignored the fact that Hannity's ratings are falling. That's the main point of this entire blog post. That's why he was taken out of his 9:00pm time slot. Your rightwing conspiracy bullshit doesn't change that. And now, all of sudden, you don't care about Hannity? You cared enough to post here. You even cared enough to correct the spelling of his first name.

      "One, nobody seems to mention the constant changeover at the liberal propaganda stations..."

      You are actually referring to MSNBC, which isn't even 100% liberal and there has been discussion the timeslot changes there on various blogs all over the internet. The most recent timeslot changes there have had a major impact on the ratings of certain pundits on that network. But, hey, your head is in the sand, so you won't know that.

      As to racism, please ask Sean why he has been known to hang out with white supremacists like Hal Turner?

      Being a conspiracy theorist doesn't mean you're awake. It only means you're a moron who watches too much Fox News!

    8. RIGHT ON nabsentia23! YOU ROK THE RIGHT WELL!

    9. I guess it's alright for him to use "bullshit", and you to post songs about your cock exploding, and not be offensive huh.

  3. Like a typical liberal you just pull shit out of your ass. Nowhere in the post is there a mention of "falling ratings". It's your claim. Perhaps you'd like to back it up with proof?

    The reason I commented was because the other twit here (besides you) wrote an hysterical post claiming that Hannity was fired and he's racist. All lies, which is no surprise because that's all liberals do anyway.

    Also, I'm not just referring to the psychotic liberal nuts at NBC, CNN plays musical chairs all the time ... so do the other networks. How many people have they had in their primetime slots in the last ten years?

    As I said before, you nuts scream "racist" for everything. You don't even know what racism is. You don't know the history of racism in this country or who the main perpetrators were and are today. Plus, unless you can provide me with direct evidence that Sean Hannity is indeed a racist by his own actions and words your attempt to attribute racism through guilt by association will be ignored.

    You're ignorant and a product of liberal lies and media propaganda. If you start using your head there might be hope for you.

    1. Man, you really embarrass yourself and make all Conservatives look bad with your sleazy vulgarity.

  4. Well if "shit" offends you I'll refrain from using it.

    1. How about refraining from responding instead?
