Everything we do affects us all

July 25, 2013

The Lesson of Juror B29

"George Zimmerman got away with murder, but you can't get away from God," - Juror B29. But she said 'the proof wasn't there'.
This shows the prosecution blew it by not making any argument on the manslaughter charge and by not putting forth lesser charges, like Assault, Battery and Stalking, Harassment, Reckless endangerment etc.


  1. Hey brainiac ... or should I say liberal dumbass. ABC heavily edited the video to make you believe what they want you to believe.


    The media is not your friend.

  2. The state did not prove its case b/c the state did NOT have a case against Zimmerman.. How is Zimmerman guilty of assault,battery when Martin was ONTOP OF HIM THROWING PUNCHES,SLAMMING HIS HEAD AGAINST THE PAVEMENT? Nor was he guilty of anything else you listed dim lim dumbass
