Everything we do affects us all

July 23, 2013

Republicans Sold Out Detroit

Cannibalistic Capitalism!

Make no bones about it! It was Republicans (GATT and the WTO) that sold Detroit up the river to slave wages in Asia! Sure they had a willing dupe in President Clinton who was on the ropes with scandals and signed the bills, but the global free trade agreements had been a Republican dream for 50 years and they were written with no clause for human rights or environmental standards. Those are the facts Jack!

Now, water under the bridge...here's what we need to do now to...


Raise taxes on the rich and build a new rail system nationwide with Detroit the manufacturing center.
Since everybody on the Right and Left describe our economic troubles as 'Like The Great Depression' then why don't we see any stories recounting how we got out of the Great Depression?
Between 1940-80 the wealthiest Americans paid between 70% to 90% federal income tax and that's what allowed us to build the American Dream. How else could we afford it? Between 1940-80 we fought and paid for WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, we built our US Interstate Expressway system, Roads, Electrical Grid, Telephone, our main Bridges and Tunnels; we Made every Car we Drove and we wore just the Clothes we Sewed and WE WENT TO THE MOON SIX TIMES-AND WE PAID FOR IT ALL! Here's the link. Go to section 21.5 and Get out ye encyclopedias... TRUTH:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Income_tax_in_the_United_States#1930_-_1980


  1. How about the fact a Democrat president passed NAFTA and Most favoured trading with China? Oh Ya John Kerry and Progressive Democrats supported both views about Trade. Not to mention the fact Detroit was run by Democrats and public employee unions that made long term unrealistic decisions about defined benefit pension plans. Let the city fail. Hey this is where we can send all these new immagrants you want to come to America lets see them rebuild it after all unskilled social welfare dependant Immigrants are good for the Economy. Problem solved!

  2. Republicans in congress pushed those trade deals down America's throat...and yes, Clinton was a sellout! Are you proud of being in bed with him?

  3. You are an idiot. First of all, Obama supposedly "saved" the auto industry ... remember? Hard earned tax dollars going to shore up failing union pensions while GM still underwent bankruptcy. Second, The only thing that killed Detroit was democrat and union control for 60 years. Detroit is an example of mind boggling corruption. You simply cannot promise people the moon and expect to get away with it. The burden was put squarely on the backs of taxpayers who fled after the city could no longer control the rampant crime.

  4. I find it interesting that you blame republican federal politicians that passed Nafta / Cafta etc. and not the Democrat local politicians that controller the city for some 50 years, decades prior to these free trade bills. Mayor Coleman Young stirred the racial pot for decades causing white flight to the suburbs. Along with them went the tax base and much of the work ethic. Business taxes rose driving them away, property taxes rose but were limited by state law so the amount of income continued to shrink until the city could no longer sustain itself. Generous retirement and health packages coupled with corruption did help this decline. As a lifelong Michigan resident I suggest selling all city assets to pay their pension and health care benefits, making the retires whole. Scrap the Fist, sell the art. Shrink the city down to a three for four mile radius from downtown. The area outside of this to eight mile becomes rural again, shut down all city services to these regions. Private security forces have been operating in the city for over tens years contract them to provide security as needed. If the residents don't like it they can move.
