I theorize that the universe is infinite in three capacities- Space, Matter and Complexity. I call this the True Universe. When scientists refer to the universe what they really mean is the 'known universe' often the word 'known' is left out but the known universe is not the true universe it's not the full universe. The known universe is what we can observe from the bloom of matter that came about after what we refer to as the Big Bang. And whether the universe is still expanding or contracting the fact is that the true universe goes on infinitely past the diameter or the boundaries of the known universe. And although we cannot observe it it is logical to assume that the universe is in fact truly infinite in space or size.
The second Infinity is one of Matter or mass which equates to Infinite Energy. As I've said the universe is truly infinite in space and since we've observed such a great amount of matter in the known universe it's only logical to assume that in the true universe, the truly infinite universe, there is also an infinite amount of matter which equates to infinite energy.
The third Infinity is one of Complexity. I argue that the universe is truly infinite in complexity of design of the rules governing the matter within an infinite space and the rules governing that space itself. This is logical because from what we've observed within the known universe we see an ever-growing set of rules governing matter within space in the known universe. But in the True Universe, the truly infinite universe, there are also infinite rules governing the infinite matter within the infinite space and governing that space.
These three Infinities combine to give the universe a truly God-like nature. Because within this infinite space with infinite matter and infinite complexity of design there must be an infinite number of scientifically valid possibilities, it's hard to say if "anything" can happen, but it is true to say that an infinite number of things can occur. This means that it is fair to say that anything might be possible in this truly infinite universe.
Therefore it is logical to be optimistic about any goal or endeavor we have and solving any of our problems, assuming that, truly, an infinite number of things are possible in the True Universe. Therefore…..Optimism is Logical.
the end, is not
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