Everything we do affects us all

August 16, 2019

We have the 'Opiod Crisis' all WRONG

No major media source discusses the 'drug problem' from an informed, honest perspective. That is the case with this Washington Post story as well. 

There is no referencing data on the degree to which the population was involved with drugs like Heroin and Crystal Meth prior to the 'opioid crisis'. To what degree was the populous using those drugs prior and how much 'illegal' opioid use simply displaced use of those drugs? No consideration is given to the benefit of treating addiction unto its self. Completely left out of the discussion is the fact that there was a time when the Coca and Poppy plants could legally be grown and used in a natural unrefined form which offered a safe and mild version of the effect pain sufferers and drug addicts are seeking. 

It has finally become glaringly obvious that no matter what the downside of Marijuana use may be our society is vastly better off with it legal. But the FDA, the DEA and the Pharmaceutical Industry fought that natural fact to the bitter end and destroyed countless lives with unnecessary criminal charges in a failed effort to eliminate it. 

The same will someday be seen as true for the Coca and Poppy plants.

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