Everything we do affects us all

May 15, 2019

Trump is a monster created by Bill Clinton

Trump is a monster created by Bill Clinton when he sold out the American Union Worker, the backbone of the Democratic party. In the D-primary debates before the 1992 election, Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa said (in the NH debate on WMUR) in essence, 'I will not sell out American workers and destroy our manufacturing base by allowing unfettered manufacturing in China with no human rights or environmental standards, reinventing slavery.' But Clinton was lying. He signed trade legislation that no other Democratic president would have signed. There was nothing wrong with NAFTA. Keeping jobs in our hemisphere and on our continent is a good idea and if US manufacturing had simply gone south of the border the money from wages and profits would have stayed in 'America' and would have eased our current immigration problems drastically. But the 'giant sucking sound' Perot warned of came from China, GATT and the WTO.
Now the fascist fake-populist Trump is using an issue that should belong to the Democrats to gain power. But Trump has no interest in helping the US worker or to address the tragedy of Chinese manufacturing with no human rights standards or environmental standards. His solution is simply to try to get a piece of the action from the profits of slave labor. He will use the money, not to bolster US manufacturing, but to fight religious wars in the Middle East.

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