Everything we do affects us all

December 12, 2018

A New Way Forward for the World

So, we end up in a world where the most powerful country in the world is under the sway of religious zealots of the Christian and Jewish faiths. It is an Armageddon type of thinking that now has the White House in its hand. Our Middle East policy has been trending this way since the USA and Israel staged the 1953 overthrow of a democratic government in Iran. And now they seem to be aiming at Iran again. How many wars have we waged in the Holy Lands? At this point it is true that many people of all religions are ready to fight it out and hope for 'end times'. Sad.

God does not intend that people of faith should conspire to bring about 'end times'. If God wanted an end, then God would have 'end times' at will.

What God wants is for us all to obey the basic concepts of decency that are well described in the Torah, the Bible and the Koran, as well as in most known philosophies.

Don't hurt others

Don't cheat others

God help us all

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