Everything we do affects us all

January 30, 2017

Trump is Caesar the GOP are Brutus, "Et tu, Brute?"

I think that there is a reason that the GOP will dump Trump and that is that they have used him all along. For whatever hateful racist reason, Trump became popular. The GOP bought into Trump for the power they sought and now they have the power. The GOP controls both sides of the US Congress and the White House. Trump is the president, but he doesn't really own the office. The GOP congress does. And if they would rather have a president named Pence in the White House, then Trump has given them plenty of ammunition to accomplish that mission. Trump is Caesar the GOP are Brutus, "Et tu Brut?"

FaceBook Jail

I threatened President Excrement on FaceBook (4 days ago) and FB "Blocked" me for 4 days They blocked me from Posting, or "Liking" a post or even sending a Private Message on FB to any of my FB "Friends". That's how they operate. If they deem a comment or post 'out of line' then, the next time you 'engage' with FB, a big BLOCKED message jumps onto your screen and you think you just got a VIRUS. The SCREEN tells you how long you are blocked for and it shows you a clock with the countdown time to when you are released from FB Jail! This is true, I am not at all joking or exaggerating. The 'virus screen' also shows you the specific comment which Facebook deems 'punishable'. My comment was something about 'chewing off Trumps face', clever huh ;).
But the real shit is that FB thinks it's ok to not even allow us to tell a friend, in a 'PRIVATE MESSAGE' that we are fine and we are simply blocked from FaceBook. ALL of my FB 'Friends' should have gotten the EXACT SAME MESSAGE I got during my 'block' when they posted on my page.......
-'Chip Shirley's Page is Blocked Due to a Post That Violates FaceBook Policy'- I had many people ask about my well being when I was 'Disappeared' from FaceBook. The truth is I agree with the reason I was blocked. I have apologized for that post and I don't want to see tha level of baseness allowed on FaceBook. But the way they handled it is a crock of shit.

January 26, 2017

I Challenge Donald Trump to a Duel

Trump can have all the weapons he wants. I will have none, no weapons.
We should stand 12 feet apart.

I will walk away with a smile and he will lie dead and bleeding.

I Challenge Trump to a Duel. I, no weapons, He all he wants and I will make him Die.

Good Morning-Trump is being Impeached!

January 24, 2017

President Trump Announces Attack on Death Star

We shall see...

January 22, 2017

Donald Trump Kicks ASS!

Whose ass? When, where, how, we haven't a clue.

But Trump will kick ass, even if it's our's and his own he kicks.

January 20, 2017

Talk and Consequences

Trump talks a great game, it is HUGE, but it is all talk up to this point in time.

Now there is no more room for 'talk' without 'consequences'. Donald J Trump will now be legally obligated to be fully accountable for his performance in his new job as president of this country. This will be the worst night's sleep Trump ever had. If he follows his protectionist rhetoric on trade, the markets will crash.

Goodbye President Obama, We Love You!

You're the best president ever in the history of the entire world and if all people were as good as you and your family we would have heaven on earth!

January 19, 2017

Trump Gets Nuclear Football Tonight

Donald Trump will receive the codes to launch nuclear missiles tonight, feel safer America?

Trump New Product Butt Spray

When Your Butt Stinks, You Need Butt Spray

Will President Obama Push Buttons 'till midnight?


January 18, 2017

January 17, 2017

January surprise coming?

January 15, 2017


One bright morning when I was a 12 year old boy living in Sandy Springs GA, my mother June announced to my younger brother and sister and me that we weren't going to school that day. She told us to dress nice and get in the car. We only found out as we were leaving the house that we were going to march in Martin Luther King's funeral procession.
It was a short quiet drive. I don't care for crowds and I was worried that this was going to be a long hard sermon to listen to, but I knew we were doing the right thing. We had mostly grown up in the poorer parts of various southern towns and we were used to both colors of people sharing the streets, but this was an amazing feeling to be the only people of one color we saw in such a large crowd. I wasn't surprised at how warm and comfortable it felt. And I realized immediately what a good idea Momma had to come there.
The entire walk and service seem like a beautiful, if melancholy dream. Never had we felt such an outpouring of peace and goodwill through such sadness. All of us have shared our memories over the years, many times. The whole event passed like a song, but midway through my younger brother, only 8, began fidgeting, being so short he was staring at people's stomachs and bored. Then slowly and quietly, without a word, a tall strong man standing behind Steve reached down and picked him up over his head and gently placed him on his shoulders so he could see. Steve was quietly mesmerized and still says it was the most amazing experience he ever had to be lifted up over the crowd and to watch the whole panorama from his private box.
It was a small piece of heaven on earth that the reverend brought to all of us there that day. My mother and sister and brother and I all agree that was all of our proudest day. Not for anything we've done to help with King's cause, but what we did for ourselves by being there. It changed us. It was a religious experience.
When I see pictures of the good doctor and his statue on the mall, he is very real to me. He is still alive, I'm sure of it.
And I wouldn't be at all surprised if he came back one bright morning.

Does the Election of Donald Trump mean that God is Dead?

January 12, 2017

January 11, 2017

Golden Shower Hackers Trump

Russia and Vlad-P have now formally made fools of the USA's Electoral System. By monopolizing Public Relations (through spying) Russia has 1st, elected Donald J Trump and now are playing him and the US electorate over his moral compromises.

And he fell into it

January 8, 2017

Trump's Hubris Will Get Him Arrested

Did you know that a President of the USA can get arrested? Yes it's true.

It is far simpler to arrest a president than to impeach them, formally speaking.

For impeachment on malfeasance in office the congress is required, for impeachment, but, if the President of the USA punches a guy in the face, on camera, he can be arrested, on site, by one policeman. What would follow would be a constitutional catastrophe, but still, Donald Trump could be arrested and charged if he engages in financial fraud. Fact. And I don't think his hubris will allow him to avoid it if he hasn't already committed it.

Likewise, if the CIA or FBI were to find collusion between Trump and Russia on illegal internet hacking for any reason, election influence aside, he could be charged with that crime, just like any citizen.

This is how Nixon was impeached. Despite selfish partisanship, Democrats are on the same side as Republicans as they get paid on the federal tax roll. They don't go around impeaching each other out of office, but with Nixon they did. And the reason Nixon was impeached is that Law authorities told congress that they were going to charge him with basic crimes, like burglary. Hacking is the same as Burglary.

January 5, 2017


January 2, 2017

Let us all support our incoming President Trump

At least for a day . . .