Everything we do affects us all

December 28, 2015


December 24, 2015

Trump must be TRUMPED

We're going through some odd times here, right? RIGHT.
Trump is cranking our hatred of each other to new and sad proportions, in my opinion.
We can be at odds, in the USA, but does that mean we must decide to kill one another? In essence Trump is hinting at that. Am I wrong?
He jokes about killing journalists and seems to want to place all Muslims in the same category, AS EVIL, even thought 99% of them are peaceful, law abiding citizens.
I know that it is considered ridiculous (normally) to refer to HITLER in reference to anyone but Hitler, but I honestly and lovingly, in the name of Jesus Christ and George Washington, believe that Donald TRUMP is a New Hitler Among Us.
Republicans MUST pick a new Leader in the name and the inspiration of American Democracy.
I know it is attractive and EASY to follow a candidate who offers simple and BRUTAL solutions to all of our problems, but Trump is a kid who was a spoiled brat and inherited all of his wealth and power from a hard working father who DID NOT SHARE ANY OF HIS VIEWS, and he is not a person to put any faith with.
Trump must be TRUMPED.

December 19, 2015

December 17, 2015

Go to Hell Trump

If a Republican wants to beat Trump...
They need to say,
"Listen here you stinking spoiled brat who inherited everything you own from your hard working father, get the hell off of the American stage with your ugly skunk-style toupee and your harem of Mail order Brides and your mindless bigoted game-show hosting ideas! Stop licking Vladimir Putin's Russian ass and
go to Hell you Donald Trumped up twit!
America is sick of you!"

December 16, 2015

The Republicans will nominate Colin Powell!

Five Reasons Star Wars is Dumb

1. Star Wars is and has always been a simple shallow soap opera/old fashioned cowboy movie set in outer space.
2. Though primarily set in outer space the movie never addresses the issue of zero gravity 'weightlessness' AT ALL!
3. Light Sabre's are truly the dumbest weapon in the universe. Incredible technology is used to create a weapon that is no more useful than a sharp sword. The cheapest pistol in the world is a far more dangerous/useful weapon than a Light Sabre.
4. All of the non-robotic creatures look like they are wearing costumes made by the Muppet Show, which was also Dumb.
5. Like the Muppet Show, Star Wars is written on a level appropriate for 4 year olds and 'no', it does not operate on a higher parallel level. The fact that it is wildly popular with adults is one sign and side effect of the decay of modern civilization.

Media Babies Trump

Trump still hasn't been forced to address the fact that he spent years claiming that President Obama was not a US citizen and he still has never acknowledged that Obama is the legitimate president of the US.
Trump is a LIAR he claims to be against Middle East wars, but he's ready to start a war with Iran right now!

December 13, 2015

I like different things..

Lady GAGA,
Barack Obama,

you know...

December 10, 2015

Netanyahu criticizes Trump-Muslim Entry Ban

When the guy who bulldozes the homes of the families of Muslims he is at civil war with says 'You're a Bigot' then,

You're a Bigot Donald Trump.


December 7, 2015

Boycott Saudi Arabia!

Just like in 9-11 the radical terrorists were created by the hateful bloodthirsty Saudi Arabian Monarchy. Boycott Saudi Arabia!

December 5, 2015

Corporate Media Promotes Terrorism

The greatest danger to our society is our corporate mass media who are driven by ratings and earnings more than facts and news worthiness. When violence takes place we are shown the same violent videos endlessly because they are 'sexy' as they say, they grab eyeballs and make money for the TV networks. But, when 'good Muslims' stand up and speak against the terrorists they are lucky if they get any news coverage at all and at most their cries for peace and denunciation of terrorism will be shown once or twice, because it's not 'sexy' and doesn't make money for the TV stations. This 'profit only' motivating factor plays directly into the terrorists hands.

December 1, 2015

The vast usage of OIL is directly responsible for Climate Change The vast usage of OIL is directly responsible for Middle Eastern Terrorism

Oil as a primary energy source is the prime contributor to Global Warming and it is the prime funding mechanism for Middle Eastern Terrorism and the Brutal Monarchies and Dictatorships there. These Monarchies and Dictatorships are also a prime reason that citizens of Arab States are so jaded as to consider Terrorists as a valid governing alternative.

New sources of energy can solve all of these problems.