Everything we do affects us all

October 31, 2013

NSA Snowden Russia China

I believe that, in the internet age, anyone with the money and technology and bad intentions, can potentially reach into virtually anyone's private data.

China is a country who formally doesn't respect even a modicum of free speech. In China bloggers are jailed and even put to death for simply writing about democracy and yet they reportedly had highly skilled and payed hackers reach deep into US military top secret data. So how is it that we don't assume that China is spying on our personal info' like the NSA? Likewise Russia?

It's harder to bring charges against those two countries since they aren't shy about jailing and killing anyone who brings this type thing to light.

Edward Snowden seems happy today to be working for a Russian IT company and he continues to slam the US and NSA for taking away our privacy and freedom. Snowden does this while working for a nation that would jail him for publishing even one blog-post defending the rights of Gay people or defending the free speech rights of the band Pussy Riot who call for a real democracy in Russia.

All the things I dread that the NSA might do with our private info', Russia and China do by public policy.

So, are we freedom loving US citizens supposed to take our lead from the likes of Snowden who appears to me to be a paid shill for an openly totalitarian government?

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