Everything we do affects us all

August 21, 2013

To Save Our Nation

Southern Conservatives saved our nation during the Civil War by accepting ideas that were better for the country and humanity than those they had in place.

Southern Liberals helped humanity by leading to bring down the mafioso tendency that had developed in America's Worker's Unions. Saving us from Mob Rule.

Today the Unions are a good force again and we have Civil Rights for all races. Both imperfect still, and both took giant steps forward for humanity and the USA.

Southern Conservatives today can save our nation again by shedding the yolk of the Union for the Rich! That union speaks only on behalf of profits for Billionaires of all interests and nationalities, but not HUMANITY AS A WHOLE!

We built our nation on CAPITALISM! And Capitalism means borrowing and betting on the future when you know you have a good idea! That's how people get rich and that's how a nation gets strong, when we know that we need to have a good national rail system and broadband, WE SHOULD DO IT!

We need to grow and not cower in the shadows of the cost of 9-11 and the Iraq war. We must go forward and invest in this nation the way we would if 9-11 never happened!

That's how we fight for freedom! That's THE AMERICAN WAY!

1 comment:

  1. There is no such thing as "capitalism". What you call capitalism is simply free people engaging in commerce. The framers of the Constitution didn't decide to create "capitalism" ... they intended to free people to the fullest extent possible within a framework of laws and restricted government.

    When people no longer have economic liberty, and the fruits of their labor are taken and redistributed to others ... you have socialism. Virtually all money taken in as taxes is spent on entitlement programs. The government has to borrow to run itself, run the military and pay Obama and Congress.

    That is not "capitalism", nor is it economic liberty. The government cannot create wealth. It can only take it.
