Everything we do affects us all

August 18, 2013

Assange Loves Rand Paul?

The Daily KOS reports-

[It's always good to know where people really stand-what their core beliefs are. Well, for those who may not have been sure about Julian Assange, he gave us a peek during a forum hosted by Campus Reform and OurSay.org. :
[I] am a big admirer of Ron Paul and Rand Paul for their very principled positions in the U.S. Congress on a number of issues, * * * * They have been the strongest supporters of the fight against the U.S. attack on WikiLeaks and on me in the U.S. Congress. Similarly, they have been the strongest opponents of drone warfare and extrajudicial executions.
Assange concluded by saying
The only hope as far as electoral politics presently, is the Libertarian section of the Republican party.
He is also an admirer of Matt Drudge. As reported by Raw Story he said Drudge made his name
publishing information that the establishment media would not. It is as a result of the self-censorship of the establishment press in the United States that gave Matt Drudge such a platform and so of course he should be applauded for breaking a lot of that censorship.]
But where are Assange and Paul on 'Stop and Frisk'...This policy embodies the very worst of police state tactics, where innocent people are stopped and physically groped based on no valid evidence at all. It is even worse than if the NSA had spied on them and found some reason to detain them. These 'minority males' are being repeatedly detained by police based on the fact that they fit 'the description' of a wanted criminal IE 'Hispanic or Black male'. 
Though I admire Mayor Bloomberg for many things this law, since its inception has been the most brutally unfair law in America and thank God it may be coming to an end! Can you imagine the vast number of unnecessary arrests that have occurred because an innocent 'victim' of this unfair stop and frisk law was unable to control themselves and cursed out the police or resisted frisking?! A sickeningly unfair law indeed.  But it's not even on Assange and Paul's radar. Values anyone?


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