Everything we do affects us all

June 5, 2013


[I jumped the gun on this in a previous post, but Senator Schumer has announced he will bring this bill to the floor, this Monday 6-10.]


Immigration Bill to Senate Floor Next Week!

When the Immigration Bill (*S-744) cleared the Senate Committee last week (with bi-partisan support) it was 'the shot heard across America' potentially, but the people who will hear it loudest haven't even heard it yet!
This bill (with 4R sponsors and 3D sponsors) is going to reshape our political landscape and takeover front pages from June to December. Tea Party types are so distracted by their hopeless efforts to smear and impeach President Obama that they haven't been paying attention to the slow progress the Immigration Reform bill is making and the more moderate Republicans (who support it) hope it stays that way as long as possible!

But next week, when this bill goes to the full Senate floor, we're going to see fireworks like we haven't seen in decades (my prediction). It should be fun. I hope we can pass a bill through congress (I'm sure it will clear the Senate) but it will drive Tea Party types in the House and hinterlands nuts-er.

The bill is already creating schisms left and right. Marco Rubio is for it, Ted Cruz despises it, Sean Hannity is supporting Rubio and Rush Limbaugh says it will be the end of the Republican party.

This could lead to the birth of a real third party-to the right of the Republicans in 2014! This 4th of July we're going to see some real fireworks!

*Track S-744 here...     http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/s744#overview


  1. This is the link to a letter posted by Senator Ted Cruz and signed by the other opponents of the immigration bill. Yes, it looks like it's gonna get UGLYYYYYYYY! http://www.scribd.com/doc/145700635/Letter-from-Sens-Cruz-Sessions-Lee-Grassley-Voicing-Concerns-with-S-744

  2. Thanks Joyce! That's interesting. It really is going to be quite a show. I can imagine Rubio doing the math and thinking he might have as good or better chance at the R prez nomination by gaining Hispanic votes in the primary while the TP vote might split between 2 or 3 other candidates...
