Everything we do affects us all

November 28, 2012


Save working class Americans $2200 per year! Continue the middle class tax cuts!

Please share this symbol on FB and Twitter and Congress, Newspapers etc!



  1. I do NOT want a tax hike of 2,000.00 plus from my pay check per year. IT is difficult as it is, to get by on what little my family has.
    Please have some compassion and give us a break!! We are all suffering right now as it is.

  2. Congress, you all act like a bunch of very selfish people!! How would YOU like to not have YOUR wonderful benefits?????? IT is like "good for me and to hell with the rest of you"!! I am SICK of the way all of you stick together for the very wealthy!! I can not WAIT, to vote all of you out of congress, as many, many of us feel the same way!!
