Everything we do affects us all

October 15, 2012

W Released Leader of Libyan Embassy Murders

Out of the endless litany of false allegations from the Right towards President Obama, their latest hateful effort to blame the president for the tragic attack on our Libyan embassy is perhaps their darkest moment. The president has been decent enough not to point the finger of blame at the George W Bush administration even though it is a known fact that the leader and organizer of the deadly attack on our embassy, Sufian bin Qumu, had been captured and imprisoned as a terrorist suspect by the W administration, but then released from Guantanamo by the same administration in 2007! The W administration trusted Moammar Gadhafi the Libyan leader to keep this criminal in prison! Yet Gadhafi released him in 2010 to celebrate his 41st anniversary as dictator! Even the story I use to corroborate my facts [See below] tries to spin the blame away from the W crowd by claiming 'Gadhafi released the prisoner, not W'. What a JOKE!

Instead of focusing on these basic facts the Right is trying to make a big deal out of the possibility that the embassy should have been better guarded. The fact is that every embassy in every troubled country along with every soldier in every war zone could use better funding, equipment and security. The entire Iraq war a tragic story of soldiers sent into battle, lacking proper equipment, crummy flak jackets and vehicles not hardened against roadside bombs. Life is hard and war is hell and the Republicans trying to flip the blame from their side to the president on this issue should burn in hell.
Libyan Attack Led By Former Gitmo Detainee
Investors.com http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/092012-626506-guantanamo-detainee-led-attack-on-us-consulate-in-libya.htm?p=full

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