Everything we do affects us all

October 22, 2012

Romney Outsources Foreign Policy to Israel

Make no mistake about it, there is a terrifying and gigantic difference in Mitt Romney's position on Israel compared to every other US president in our history. All US president's, including Barack Obama have pledged to support Israel as our closest ally in the region, to defend Israel against all attacks, but only Mitt Romney has said, in essence, that Israel has his support for 'first strike' offensives and 'preemptive war' with Iran. Since we are committed to support Israel and we would inevitably be drawn into any conflict Israel is involved in, it has always been a rule of thumb from past US administrations and presidents that we would be directly involved with Israel on major decisions, especially for initiating violence outside their border. Mitt Romney sounds like the perfect neo-con president, far more-so than George W Bush. When the neo-con far right repeatedly demanded that he strike Iran's nuclear development facilities W walked softly and carried a big stick. For all his angry rhetoric he ignored the calls for war. Even in the months after Obama won the election, but before he was sworn in, Bush stood firm against Netanyahu and his Likud party and their counterparts in the US. Thank God. But as you can read in the New York Times excerpt and article below, Mitt Romney is willing to leave the decision to initiate a preemptive war with Iran, to Netanyahu. Even Bill O'Reilly has said 'That would mean WWIII'. This alone is plenty of reason for anyone to vote for President Obama, for US and world security.
NYT-Jerusalem 7-29-12
And while President Obama and his aides always acknowledge Israel’s right to defend itself, they put an emphasis on sanctions and diplomacy; Dan Senor, Mr. Romney’s senior foreign policy aide, went further on Sunday, suggesting that Mr. Romney was ready to support a unilateral military strike by Israel.
“If Israel has to take action on its own,” Mr. Senor said in a briefing before the speech, “the governor would respect that decision.” 

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