Everything we do affects us all

June 20, 2011

B U L L M A R K E T. . .

I was just watching Mark Penn (longtime Clinton flacky) and he's still bragging about the Clinton economy, man that was passed by the Republicans in congress and that is what got us in this ditch just now!

DEEEEE-Regulation of financial markets and endless free trade agreements with 3rd world countries. We re-invented slavery.

I think that Bill Clinton has somewhat shown regrets along these lines.

The insane rise in the stock markets that followed these GATT WTO agreements actually tripled the value of a 200 year old stock market in a few short years under Bill Clinton.

The reason that happened was that these laws decreased the cost of labor by about 95%. Profits soared and stocks went up and that is how the stock market works, if you're curious. In the long run.

Well all that loose money coming in to the profits of people who were already rich just blew a gasket in the housing market. People couldn't just leave their money in a 'bank' nooooo this money had to be making money in this B U L L  M A R K E T ...!!!

These stupid rich corporate types made so much fucking money that they couldn't find anywhere else to put it and so they bought up any property at any price and built the Titanic derivatives market and false ratings industry and then THEY LAYED US ALL OFF!!!!... and then they had the whole bag of cats lined up and they just had to murder us!

But they haven't murdered us yet!


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