Everything we do affects us all

April 9, 2011

What price do you put on that?

Every major liberal tv show host has lost faith in the president and they even say so. From Jon Stewart and Ed Schultz, to Rachael Maddow and Cenk Uygur. Lawrence O'donnell is more fair but still often totally dismissive of President Obama.

We all know that Fox tv and talk radio are thoroughly dominated by conservatives and guess what...? The Lefties on the radio, though less successful than the right, they are almost all pissed at President Obama too, even NPR has gone rightie on financial issues.

So the question is...Sure it's legal and fair for any media outlet to say what they want, but what the hell kind of country do we have when almost 100% of major media voices are thoroughly fed up with the president and think he's made many horrible mistakes...?

...While most Americans think he's doing a fine damn job!...

Think of it this way. Through the many disasters he has faced, from financial to the gulf oil spill, to the middle east...not only is the president in positive polling territory amongst most voters, he is also clearly in much greater favor with non voters...and I don't mean illegal residents, I mean the children of America.

President Obama has captivated the youth of the world.

I don't have a poll to prove that though, just like I don't have a single representative in big media for the view I have of the president of the United States of America...

...and most folks agree with me on that!

Have you Chicken Liberals who feel so much pain over every mistake on the Obama watch even thought to yourselves how close you are bringing us to a return of the W-Cheney Doctrine? That's where we'll be if Obama loses the 2012 election.  That doctrine was endless invasion and occupation of middle eastern nations... 

...You don't judge a leader by how good their nation is, but by how much better it gets on that leader's watch.

President BH Obama has already taken a nation that was sinking and started it floating again.

What price do you put on that?


  1. The liberal version of racism (and sexism) is to hold the person in question to a higher standard. We think that's what the left is doing with Obama: being mad that he didn't live up to an impossibly high standard of giving them everything they want the exact way they want it despite all the opposition.

  2. Right...I think too, that sometimes when he throws the Left a litte cat nip and excoriates the Rs (like the budget speech) while it makes the Left cheer, it doesn't please the indies so much..?But I guess that's the trick...get us fired up and then reach back to the middle..?
