Everything we do affects us all

September 6, 2010

If loving you is wrong...

I don't belong to any organized political party,
I'm a Democrat. Will Rodgers-
So now the Democratic party has held the White House and both Houses of Congress for...one year and seven months
...I swear to God I have a list as long or longer than anyone's as to what I want to see happen that hasn't, but please, let us keep it real.
When Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected after the great stock market crash of 1929, he had far greater majorities in congress than does president Barack Obama, and it still took him twelve long years to enact the changes necessary to our financial regulation systems and to raise taxation of the uber-wealthy .
Despite the tragic economy FDR was facing he had one ace up his sleeve...the USA had virtually no national debt at the time. With the political will to borrow our way out of the Depression and to victory over the Nazis in WWII, we also had the way, the low debt and pristine credit that is now a long gone vestige of the Reaganites success in trying to starve social programs to death through tax cuts for the rich.
Republican president Eisenhower had a congress cooperative to building a nationwide interstate expressway system and too, JFK and LBJ all enjoyed far greater majorities in congress than we have today.
....So what I'm really saying is this....
It is utterly unrealistic for liberals to become so disenchanted that the Democrats having just regained the slimmest of majorities in congress should immediately be able to match the accomplishments of our Democratic heroes from the past.
President Obama and the Democratic congress are just getting started, and they need more power and a greater majority to have a chance of turning the tide and getting our nation back on track.
Please don't give up now, 'Shoulders to the wheel'.

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