Everything we do affects us all

January 31, 2011


President Obama is a new leader for the Left and he is this nation's leader right now. The election of President Obama represented quite a 'change' in America, certainly conservatives will agree with me on that. And therein lies the rub...

At this moment when a liberal president is poised for success we find a weak and piddling and uninformed media on the Left who can't support him very well and to make matters worse they have taken an 'attitude' towards him.

We need a new Liberal Media to start again with the first Liberal president in thirty one years! I've stood with the President through thick and thin and when his term started and he had to do the bailouts I hated the bitter taste and so did he and I stood with him. Today our Auto Industry is back on its feet and the Stock Market is nearly double what it was when he took office. I like them apples!

When he suffered the tax loss and had to give the rich more, before Christmas I stood with him. And out of that sad compromise he stood tall with equal rights for All People in the Military! He stood tall with a nuclear peace treaty with Russia! He stood tall continuing unemployment benefits in these still tough times.

President Obama has done a great job, imagine how well he would do if the Liberal press would at least stay informed and realize that they would support him if they even knew what was going on...but they mostly don't.

They stood against the President on every little step of his monumental set of check marks. Tonight Chris Matthews said to Brian Katulis of AmericanProgress.org 'So the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is allied with Al Qaeda'...THANK GOD Mr. Katulis was there to tell him NO IT'S THE OPPOSITE! Chris, I don't get paid to do this...and I've known this for two years.

But they're all guilty. There's nobody I know of who is doing a Liberal radio or TV show that passes muster to serve as a Liberal reporter under a Liberal president...

If you don't have the sense to recite the following statement and link every show, then you're not worth your salt as a Liberal and you don't deserve a microphone or a camera.

Link to tables showing America’s true tax history… We have the lowest taxes in the world and they have never been lower on the rich! Here’s the proof… http://www.truthandpolitics.org/top-rates.php

From 1940 to 1980 in the USA taxes on the most wealthy were between 70% and 94%. Fact, not AM-Fox-Fiction...See for yourself...*DATA LINK.

This was the most amazing period of growth and accomplishment by any nation since the ancient Greeks or the Roman Empire...During those four decades...
1. We fought WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
2. We built every major bridge and tunnel you can name and our entire inter-state highway system.
3. We went to the moon six times!
...And we paid for all of it!

What has America done since 1980 that we're so proud of as we cut taxes on the rich and watch our debt soar? Nothing. Instead, we've cut our investments in education and infrastructure and the people behind our one great private sector accomplishment (Information Technology) like Bill Gates, are begging us to go back to higher taxes on the most wealthy!

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

-George Santayana



  1. Right on! You are exactly right. We don't stand behind our President, who is actually accomplishing quite a bit. He is doing it by compromising, which nobody likes much, but it works! He takes the long view, which Americans are too impatient and spoiled to see. He's not perfect, but he has accomplished much, and we should be standing behind him all the way.
    My spouse says that the liberal form of racism (and sexism)(unconscious, of course) is holding the person to a higher standard. We certainly seem to be holding Obama to a higher standard....

  2. I agree completely with your spouse' take and thanks for all the supportive comments Kim and for all of the good work you are doing too. It sure is good to see the world moving in a positive way for a change, ever so slowly, but still.
    Thank God!
