November 21, 2013

How I learned of the assassination of JFK

"The Nigger lover's dead"

Those were the words that informed me of the assassination of president John F. Kennedy fifty years ago. The words weren't spoken by an individual, they were sung by a small makeshift choir gathered around the driver of a school bus in Greenville South Carolina where I lived at the time.

I was eight years old and despite the rampant racism in the south, I didn't hear the 'N' word very often. My white family didn't use it and in the all white segregated school I went to and community I lived in Black folks were almost invisible and therefore not available to be abused by this hate speech.

This small bus load of white elementary school boys had been shuttled from school to the Young Men's Christian Association for pee wee football practice and we were on our way home when I heard the 'song'.

I was sitting near the back of the bus and as it rumbled along I absentmindedly didn't notice that most of the other kids had gathered around the bus driver at the front, in a tight bunch. When the song started I couldn't make out the words, but the dirge-like chanting immediately made me feel as if I had crossed into some otherworldly nightmare and I was listening to the chanting of witches...I thought this to myself just before the words became clear to me..."The Nigger lover's dead...The Nigger lover's dead...The Nigger lover's dead..." over and over again, it went on and on and sent a chill down my spine though I had no idea what they were singing about. Even when we got off the bus (back at school) and another kid my age smiled at me and gleefully repeated the phrase...I still didn't know.

I walked home and when I entered the house and the living room I found my mother and our Black babysitter Mariah in a huddle of sobbing and wailing on the couch. My mother June looked up at me with her tortured red tear-soaked face and just shook her head and put it back down...I walked through the hall to my bedroom and I still wasn't sure what had happened, but I knew someone good had been killed and I remember thinking to myself that we weren't going to be happy anymore for a very long time.

Years passed, other tragedies happened and were grieved, MLK, Bobby Kennedy...and in 1990 I moved to Boston Massachusetts. One day as I walked down Commonwealth Avenue, under the CITGO sign, I passed an elderly AfrAmerican man walking the opposite way on the sidewalk. As I nodded, a car full of young white men drove passed us and shouted "Nigger!" in unison. As I barked "Fuck you!" they retorted "Nigger lover!" and sped away. I looked back at the gentleman and said, "I'm sorry about that." He just smiled a sad smile and said, "That's OK," and kept on walking.

Ironically, that's the only time anyone ever called me that horrid phrase to my face - not far from JFK's birthplace.

I don't think America is worse than other nations in terms of racism. In some ways you can argue that the United States is the only place racially diverse enough to be considered a true test of a society's ability to peacefully integrate different races. Barack Obama being elected president surely doesn't mean the end of racism in America, but in my opinion - and I think that of my mother June, who passed on some years back - I believe that it is the greatest moment in the history of our country.

I don't say this because I know President Obama is our best president, but he is a crown on the throne of America as a progressive nation!

And today, while the pain of that early memory has been dulled by time and some modicum of progress, I am freshly sickened by the latest right wing political posturing in which (cynically and wickedly) they are trying to invoke the name of John F. Kennedy as a conservative, one of their ilk, who would gladly abandon the Democratic Party in favor of Republicans, if he were only alive today.

The man whose name they spat on they now claim as their own because of his iconic popularity and youth appeal. 'JFK' they say 'lowered taxes' and that makes him theirs. Yes Rush Limbaugh, yes George Will, JFK's administration lowered taxes from an upper rate for the wealthy of 91% to 77%, (or roughly double today's rates). There's no reason to believe he would join in with you and the modern, government hating, Republican zealots of today or the revitalized racism of the Tea Party.
But there is every reason for you to bow your heads in shame for ever mentioning his name.


  1. You're a communist lover. That much is clear. No one is saying JFK would be a conservative. What people are saying is how far the democrat party has gone left. JFK preached liberty, was anti-communist, was a member of the NRA and a supporter of the 2nd Amendment and supported and was friendly to business ... the engine of this nation. Today, democrats are quasi-communist at the very least. Full blown communists are now teaching in our schools and running the government. You support these people ... commie lover.

  2. FDR and Truman and Eisenhower and Kennedy all taxed more than modern Democrats and spent more on social programs and were far more socialist than modern Democrats and president Obama.

    These are facts.

  3. That's hilarious. Are you trying to be funny or are you really that stupid?

    Commie propaganda is more powerful than I thought. You'll say anything to push the commie agenda. It doesn't even have to be half true. In reality, your "facts" are bullshit. Just the simple fact that they didn't have the social programs we have today blows your stupid shit outta of water. The death of the black family started after Kennedy ... with the fat corrupt Johnson who shoved his welfare and Medicare bullshit down our throats. Haven't you ever heard of his "Great Society"?? What a joke. All it succeeded in doing was destroying the black family and blacks in general. They're a fucking mess all thanks to you bastards trying to social engineer everything. You've killed the greatest, freest country in the world with your communist bullshit.

    You creeps would drive Kennedy out of your party if he were alive today. You hate business, you hate the military, you hate freedom, you hate God and you worship other people's money, promiscuity, abortion and dependency.

    1. FDR taxed and created the WPA, Republican war hero General-President Dwight Eisenhower taxed and built our Interstate Expressway system....I pray to the God of Moses and Jesus for your hateful soul to see the light...

  4. Look chump, you couldn't think your way out of a wet paper bag. I blew your "theory" away using FACTS yet you ignore it.

    I'm sorry you haven't the balls to read something other than propaganda. Maybe you're just too scared to find out you've been lied to for years. The country is disintegrating and it's because of democrat policies. Nothing else. Democrats are attacking religion, especially Christianity while tacitly supporting the spread of Islam in the US. They're especially attacking religion in the military, making Christians afraid to even mention their faith all while promoting the gay agenda. They've used communist "evil capitalism" rhetoric for decades. Our schools are now being run by people who hate America and are brainwashing our children to believe that business and religion are evil, and big government is good.

    Everything democrats do is aimed at taking more money and liberty from people. How can you not see that? If democrats aren't kicked out they will soon begin to nationalize industries. They will take by force, the one thing that has made them think twice for decades ... the 2nd Amendment. Why do democrats hate everything about America?

    I've posted enough stuff here that you should at least be thinking about it. But you don't. You ignore everything and continue to turn a blind eye to our country's destruction and takeover.

    Lastly, you should pray that God gives us a chance to take America back and restore the liberty He gave us. No country that has shunned God or Israel prospers for long.

  5. The other Anonymous is absolutely wrong in everything he/she said.

    1. You're free to point out what you consider wrong. Please be specific.

  6. Also, the other Anonymous needs to learn how to carry on a civilized debate without resorting to cussing and name calling.

  7. @Anonymous @2:51 pm
    Democrats are not hating anyone nor brainwashing anyone nor taking away anyone's freedoms.

    I am a Democrat because, as a follower of Jesus, who put the last first, whose ministry focused on those on the margins of his culture, I align myself with the political party that most consistently puts the interests of marginalized Americans on their national agenda.

    1. I said you were free to point out what you consider wrong. I'm still waiting. Specific examples please.

      In addition, democratic policies that take from people and give it to others only succeeds in producing more marginalized people. We've had an ever increasing supply of liberal programs for decades. Social Security, welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, public housing, free phones, utility help, unemployment, minimum wage increases ... yet nothing is better, it's getting worse.

      We've spent TRILLIONS on liberal social programs and they've only succeeded in creating more people dependent on government. The best way to help someone is to help them help themselves, not do everything for them as democrats want. This only manages to make people dependent on tax dollars and reliable democrat voters. The cost is enormous. We spend virtually every cent of tax revenue on social programs and have to borrow to run the government. The debt incurred will eventually destroy us.

      Today's democrats are not the democrats of old. They are radical leftists instituting radical change from a free country to one enslaved by government and corruption.

    2. The first sentence contains the specifics you asked for.

    3. Another specific: The Democrats are not radical leftists. The radical leftists I've encountered in the political blogsphere constantly whine that the party has moved to the right.

    4. In my neck of the woods, my community is highly Republican. I find it funny how they whine about socialism yet they say keep your hands off my Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security.

    5. The democrats in power are radical leftists. Progressives are radical leftists. American progressives are born of the British Fabian Socialists. They changed their name to "liberal" in the early 20th century after the public became disenchanted with their supprt for Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and eugenics. Now they believe the public has forgotten who they really are and can bring "progressive" out of the closet again.

      So you think democrats are not radical leftists? You support on demand abortion regardless of the term. Late term abortions are ok with you. You support promiscuity, pushing sex on younger and younger children. You support the radical gay agenda, you support forced unionization, you support draconian taxes, you support cradle to grave government dependency, you support redistribution of wealth, you support the destruction of the middle class which is currently underway, you support centralized planning to include the economy, you support nationalizing industries (health care, student loans, finance), you support the diminishment of religion with the exception of Islam, you support radical feminism and radical environmentalism and of course you support using government power to silence your opposition (See IRS).

      I'm sure there are others but off the top of my head I can't think of them. You support this agenda because the people in power, who you voted for support that agenda.

    6. The Democrats are a centrist party.

    7. Hahahaha, ok ... go on and explain your "centrist" platform.

    8. On social issues I lean left. On foreign policy I tend to lean a bit right. On economy I'm in the middle.

  8. Many Republican Christians argue that Jesus’s mandate to care for the “least of these” was meant for his followers, not for our governments. Let individuals and churches care for the poor, they say, and let the government perform a limited role, primarily in defense. Although I believe that all Christians and churches (including me and my church) could do much more for the poor and marginalized than we are doing, we are also limited to providing help within our cultural, societal, and governmental structures.

    1. Helping the poor should be an individual choice. Forcibly taking ones earnings under penalty of fine or jail, to give to someone else is theft. It does nothing for my soul to have the government take from me. It does everything for my soul when I give my money and time voluntarily to those I think need help.

      I understand your desire to help those less fortunate, but what you don't understand is from a political point of view, democrats create these programs to get votes. Once addicted to government people reliably vote democrat to keep the tax dollars coming. Social programs are simply a way to get people dependent on government so they will continue to vote for the party that keeps the money flowing. In reality these programs destroy incentive, motivation, families and create hellholes. Look at blacks, they've been destroyed by Johnson's "Great Society". They rot in inner cities run by democrat, learn nothing in crappy public schools and the out of wedlock birth rate is over 70%. In essence, democrats have created a singular group of people that will always vote democrat.

      Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana, has a voucher program that gets poor, mostly minority kids out of failing schools in into good schools where they can thrive. Yet Obama's Justice Department has sued him to stop the program. Why? Learned, successful minorities might stop voting democrat. That's why. Wake up.

    2. We can drive a sick, uninsured child to a hospital, but if a long hospitalization or surgery is required, that child’s parents will have to either scrape together thousands or dollars (and perhaps eventually lose their home or declare bankruptcy as a result) or hope that the hospital has charity funds available. We can help an immigrant learn English and a marketable skill, but if the law doesn’t offer him a reasonable avenue toward legal work status, we can’t help him get a job that will support a family. We can provide pregnancy counseling and baby supplies to a young unwed mother, but if that mother is unable to afford groceries, decent housing, quality daycare, and additional education for herself , she and her child will likely end up in unsafe housing, poorly nourished, un- or underemployed, and stuck in a cycle of poverty that isn’t just a problem for that family, but (in God’s economy) for all of us. Without government safety nets such as subsidized housing and daycare, food stamps, education grants, health insurance, and support for immigrants, private charity can only do so much to ease the burden of poverty.

      Our government is far from perfect, but it is still, in my mind, the greatest example of the good that be done via a democratic government of, by, and for the people. As Christians, we have an obligation to care for all of God’s people—even when it doesn’t seem quite fair; even when poverty results from a toxic and convoluted mix of a sinful communal history, bad or nonexistent policies, and poor personal decisions; even when our initial efforts to fix a problem as big as our nation’s healthcare inequalities might be clumsy and in need of fine-tuning.

      To put it simply, I am a Democrat because the Democratic Party is doing more than the Republican Party to care for the “least of these,” however imperfectly. And Jesus made it absolutely clear that caring for the least of these is central to our identity as his followers.

  9. Apparently everything I said went over your head. Do you understand that we're spending almost all tax revenue, every year on social programs? It's more every year. Obama will have borrowed more than all past presidents combined. It's a death wish.

    I simply do not understand why you think making people dependent on government helps them. It enslaves them to government. Once we're all dependent on government for health care (which is the plan) democrats will be assured power for decades.

    This is not about helping people. Get that through your head. You help people by helping them help themselves. You help people by creating prosperity. You help people by creating wealth. Wealth creates jobs. Jobs create a families. Families create stability. Government dependence creates despair, drug addiction and crime.

    Lastly, it's YOUR job to help people. Not the governments. Church, family, friends and charity. That's how you help people. But when democrats have destroyed religion, destroyed families, and are working to destroy charity the only thing left is BIG GOVERNMEBT which is exactly what they want.

    Wake the hell up. Our liberty is being erased as we speak. You cannot so anything anymore than isn't taxed, controlled or regulated by the government.

  10. Fact: seven of the top ten poorest states are Red States–in ranked order from poorest forward being Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Louisiana, South Carolina, Alabama, and North Carolina, with two Borders states (West Virginia number 4 and Kentucky number 8) also on the list, along with the western state of Montana (number 6 on the list).

    1. I don't know what that has to do with anything. Why don't you address my points instead of ignoring them?

      By the way, the states you mention also have lower cost of living expenses. That's why median incomes are higher in blue states. Everything costs much, much more so incomes must be higher or else no one would work. You may make a lot, but you have to spend a lot to get the same.

    2. Pointing out where the poorest people are.

    3. Then why are the biggest welfare states blue states?

    4. The biggest welfare is in red states.

    5. So you're contradicting CNBC?

    6. Typical cherry-picking.

    7. Now, as I said, I am leaving on a trip to visit family and will be unable to converse with you any longer. So, stop talking to me.

  11. Facts about school vouchers:

    1. Typical low information democrat. Why don't you do actual research instead of relying on the liberal biased Politico? Why don't you look up Bobby Jindal's voucher program? I thought you wanted to help people ... right? Or maybe you want to keep them poor and stupid so they vote democrat.

      Can you in your right mind imagine that a kid in a crappy school won't do better if they're brought out of that horrible environment and given a better atmosphere and instruction?

    2. Education vouchers are not good policy, because they hurt people who need public education the most.

      Education vouchers are good in theory but, like most things, the devil is in the details. It is unlikely that the vouchers will cover the cost of tuition at "elite" level private schools, meaning that low-income families will be unable to take their children out of public schools. These families will receive the same education in a school district stripped of its resources. These children rely on schools as a means for them to pull themselves out of the difficult situation that they were born into. This is not something that should be taken away from families that need it.

    3. Exactly how do they hurt people?????? You take the money used for that particular child in a failing public school and let the parents apply it to a better school.

      I'm mind boggled that democrats who constantly crow that they "care" are against a child getting out of a bad environment and into a better one. That's how powerful the propaganda has been. You don't think, you simply repeat leftist talking points.

      You know what this is all about? Teacher's unions. Democrats whine because it might hurt teacher's unions. Not the kids, they don't give a crap about the kids ... they care about the unions because that's where they get money and support.

    4. Read my post. It tells exactly how they hurt people.

    5. I read it. It's simply hogwash.

      Here's what vouchers do. If school A has 2000 students and receives $20,000 a year for each student, and 15 students are allowed to use vouchers then the school does not get the money for those students. The vouchered students are allowed to use that $20,000 on a school of their choice. If school A isn't teaching those students then it doesn't need the resources allocated to that student.

      Why don't you care about kids getting a better education?

    6. It's not hogwash and I believe in improving public education because not everyone can afford to send their kids to private schools.

      Now, as I said, I am leaving on a trip to visit family and will be unable to converse with you any longer. So, stop talking to me.

  12. Facts about spending:

  13. More facts:

    1. You ever heard of Thomas Sowell? Probably not. He's verboten in liberal circles. First he's black, second he's not a democrat and third he's an economist.

      Read some of his articles.

    2. Awww..You can't handle the truth. Tsk. Tsk.

    3. So sad that you won't actually read the truth.

      I have the numbers. I have the facts. All you have is leftist spin and bullshit. If you didn't you could come back at me with numbers and facts but you can't ... just spin and bullshit.

    4. I am the one who has posted the numbers and facts here, not you. You just post Faux News lies.

    5. And, once again, you can't converse without cursing.

    6. Once again, you can't converse without repeating leftist propaganda.

    7. What numbers and facts have you posted? Show me tax revenue and total spending. Then show me spending by social programs. The info is easy to find.

    8. It's the ignorant people like you who have no clue what socialism is. It's a word that the republicans threw at their base knowing their base would not know what they were talking about. Now they just have a buzz word that they just throw arround.

    9. Well please ... define it for me then. Also, are you a socialist? Do you think socialism is better than liberty?

    10. The only reason why Republicans hate social programs is because they hate poor people. They're a bunch of Ebeneezer Scrooges. Social programs are not evil and are not taking away anyone's liberty.

      Now, as I said, I am leaving on a trip to visit family and will be unable to converse with you any longer. So, stop talking to me.

    11. The above response is typical of the non-informed democrat voter who replies solely on what they hear and see from the MSM and liberal websites.

      Anyone with even half-assed critical thinking skills would question whether Republicans really "hate poor people". I mean what purpose would it serve to hate anyone? For centuries religious organizations have helped the misfortunate. At the beginnings of this country those who became successful used their good fortune to open the first charity hospitals, they built some of our first universities, they established charities. Bill Gates has given away billions, as have other successful people in America.

      The problem is today's social programs simply don't help the misfortunate ... they create a lifestyle paid for by the taxpayer. The more programs there are to lean on the more dependent people get. It's a reflection of human nature. If you pay people not to work, there will always be people who won't work and take care of themselves. These systems become abused and filled with fraud.

      The so-called "evil rich" ... the top ten percent, pay 70% of all income taxes. The top 50 percent pay all of it. Almost all money is then funneled into social programs. It's massive redistribution of wealth. It creates nothing but more dependency.

      I'll say this again, we spend most of our tax revenue on social programs. We have to borrow to run the government. Tax revenue and spending info is available in several places including We spend trillions ... trillions ... every year on social programs. Trillions taken from people and given to others. Obamacare is another massive redistribution scheme. Forcing people out of their current plans and onto exchanges where they must buy overpriced plans to pay for others.

      Today the top income tax bracket above I believe $250,000 is 40%. That is mind boggling. $100,000 of your earnings skimmed right off the top to go to someone else. Add in state, city and personal property taxes and many of these people pay over 60% tax.

      The depression of 1919 was as bad if not worse than the so-called Great Depression. The big difference, and the one liberal educators don't want to teach ... is how we got out of it. The government cut spending by 50% and cut taxes. Within a year the economy was exploding. The recovery was dubbed The Roaring Twenties.

      Republicans don't hate people, they want to free people. Too many people today are enslaved to the government by dependency. Free the market, create prosperity, create wealth, create jobs and give people back the liberty to pursue life, liberty and happiness. Not a life dependent on the work of others.

      A final note. We are more oppressed today then when the colonists revolted from the rule of King George. I cannot even go down to the beach any longer and throw my pole in. I need not only a state permit, but a federal permit as well ... to go fishing in the ocean. The government controls, taxes or regulates everything we do then they take what we earn to buy votes.

    12. I'm a third Anonymous replying to you. The first Anonymous that replied to you is most definitely informed. It is you who are un-informed. He/she said it so beautifully that I don't need to repeat what he/she said.

      As far as media is concerned, liberal media is a myth:

    13. I'm uninformed? Are you sure? What is it I've said so far that you consider uninformed?

      And the media not being liberal ... have you ever heard of Journolist? Also, why do most "journalists" and media figures donate to democrats? For shits and grins?

      As a theoretical exercise, let's say the Fast and Furious, Bengahzi, IRS, NSA, snooping on the Associated Press. the DOJ going after a Fox reporter, Holder committing perjury and numerous other scandals had occurred under Bush. Don't you think we'd be hearing about them 24/7? How come we never hear about Afghanistan and the deaths there? Or the unemployment rate? When Bush was in office all you heard was how bad EVERYTHING was ... constantly.

      Here's what the liberal media does. It's not that they constantly lie about stuff, it's that they simply don't tell you stuff. Stuff they howl about if the president was a Republican.

    14. Third Anonymous here again. Yes, you are most definitely un-informed and it's everything you've said.

    15. So when I say we spend most of our tax revenue on social programs I'm wrong?

    16. Third Anonymous again. We liberals have to turn to internet-based progressive news outlets like The Real News, Daily Kos, and Alternet to find real liberal news.

    17. Third Anonymous again. The military-industrial complex is what we spend most on.


      Go to table S-4.

      Or you could peruse these:

      Either site will give you all the info you need. I gave you the White House 2013 Budget specifically so you couldn't deny it a "right wing" or "Faux News".

      In summary ... you're wrong.

    19. Third Anonymous again. I am very correct. Just Google "too much spending on military" and you'll see plenty of articles telling about it. That's what Faux News keeps you in the dark about.

    20. I just gave you the 2013 White House budget that lists spending on social programs and defense plus tax revenue and deficit information. Why exactly do I need to Google anything?

      Do you not believe Obama?

      It's apparent that it's not me being kept in the dark. Maybe you need to start watch "Faux News" because you're really struggling here.

    21. Third Anonymous again. The reason the first Anonymous calls you GOTea supporters a bunch of Scrooges is because of your selfishness.

    22. I've watched them. They are a joke.

    23. The above November 23 @ 4:34 PM was posted by me, the Third Anonymous. Trying to post stuff too quickly.

    24. Respond to the budget I posted please.

    25. Third Anonymous. I did. At 4:08 PM. Accept it.

    26. You're saying you don't believe Obama?

    27. I don't have time to go on and on about this ad nauseum! Just accept it champ!

      Also, Obama doesn't make the budget, the House does.

    28. Post @ 5:30 PM was by me, the Third Anonymous.

      I'm going out to eat now. I'm angered at you. I probably will not be back after supper. So don't talk to me again either.

    29. Yeah brainiac ... before you go chow down (hope you'll eat something to feed your brain), allow me to inform you that yes indeed the House does produce a budget, but so does the executive.

      What I linked you to was current spending. You seem to be afraid to admit that not only were you wrong, you also have no idea what you're talking about.

      That is the power of propaganda. It makes you think you're informed when in reality you're not.

      Now, if you're wrong about defense spending don't you wonder what else you could be wrong about? Maybe not ... propagandized individuals seem to have little motivation to find out the truth. They seem content to absorb propaganda and feel a false superiority.

      Remember, eat to feed your brain, you need it.

    30. A fourth Anonymous here. I don't think the first, second, or third Anonymouses will be coming back. They're all mad at you because you just don't get it. Have a great day.

    31. This is getting really bizarre. One "anonymous" says we spend more on defense than social programs, yet I post the White House's own 2013 numbers which says the opposite and it's me that doesn't get it?

      These other folks don't come back because they have no clue what they're talking about and I suppose neither do you.

    32. Fourth Anonymous here. They definitely know what they are talking about and so do I.

    33. I see no evidence of that from you or your fellow anonymous commenters. You people refute direct evidence. How does that prove you know anything?

    34. Fourth Anonymous again. They haven't refuted anything and you just want to be argumentative, which makes you very unpleasant to talk with.

    35. Well I could make up lies and agree with untruths to make them happy. I can't help it if you and your fellow anonymous commenters can't make coherent points or accept evidence. Simply saying "I know what I'm talking about" isn't very substantative.

      Have a good night Anon4

    36. Anon4 again. They ARE making coherent points and they ARE telling you truthful information, but you are too blinded to see that.

    37. Democrat Anon2 coming out of the woodwork again. As far as Repub Anon's charts are concerned, he's cherry picking info to make him look correct. We aren't falling for that. Back to the woodwork again.

    38. Anon 4 here. Some brain food:

    39. Democrat Anon2 here. Democrats are ok with capitalism unless it's unfettered.

  14. And more facts:

    1. Look champ, I don't read propaganda.

      In 2013 we took in 2.7 trillion in taxes. We spent 2.3 trillion on social programs.

      In 2011 we took in 2.2 trillion in taxes and we spent 2.2 trillion on social programs.

      Get it? We have to borrow trillions to run the government because we spend all our money on social programs. No wonder you vote democrat, you don't know anything.

    2. It's most definitely not propaganda. If it were propaganda, it would be from Faux News.

    3. @Anonymous @6:17 PM
      You don't like reading truth, don't read here.

    4. Anyone who brings up "Faux News" has exposed themselves as a propagandized parrot of the left. You are what the Soviet Union used to call a "useful idiot".

    5. Nope. You're the idiot here.

    6. Oh! Great response. You've simply blind sided me with you facts and figures. You know, you can go to to get the same numbers.

    7. LOL! You need facts thrown at you.


    1. mainly I think the prez proves that we do a better job with race relations than the rest of the world. good or bad as you may judge of him.

    2. That link is for the other Anonymous who posted @6:17 PM. It shows that the Republicans are the ones who are hurting the economy.

    3. Wow ... I read your propaganda link against my better judgement. So apparently this guy thinks writing IOU's to ourselves is great and we can just continue to print money and devalue the dollar. If it's such a great idea why didn't Greece do it? Or Spain? Or any other country for that matter? Why be concerned at all? After all, it won't be us having to pay it back ... it'll be our grandkids, and their kids, and their kids, and their kids. Unless the entire thing collapses globally of course, then it's a free for all and survival of the fittest and all that.

      Hey, here's an idea. Why don't you start writing IOU's to yourself? You know, just like the government is doing. Tell your bank to put money in your account and just keep adding IOU's. It'll work great!!! You'll be rich in no time! Everyone in the country can be rich by writing IOU's to themselves!!!!!!!! Utopia here we come!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!

      You simply have no idea what you're talking about. It's no wonder you can be fooled by propaganda.

      The numbers don't lie.

      However, I will give you the chance to articulate exactly how Republicans are "hurting the economy". No stupid leftist propaganda links

      The other guy, "Chip", is simply lost and can't converse. He can only blurt out propaganda talking points.

    4. You are the perfect example of Republican talking points. They know you (their base) have no clue what they are talking about, but that’s what they expect from their base. They just want you to stay ignorant, this way they can throw words at you that they know you don’t understand.

    5. I'm sorry, could you please point out what I've said that is a "Republican talking point"?

      Seems you guys always run when confronted with the facts.

    6. A talking point in debate or discourse is a succinct statement designed to support persuasively one side taken on an issue. You keep parroting lies about socialism and government that you hear Republicans and their radio and TV pundits say.

      Anyway, I do have to run. I am leaving on a trip to visit family.

    7. Why do you never respond to my questions?

    8. I've responded to all of your questions. Now, as I said, I am leaving on a trip to visit family and will be unable to converse with you any longer. So, stop talking to me.

    9. My word, well leave already. Any further comments on my part are for the benefit of others, not neccesarily you.

      You never answer my questions by the way.

    10. I'm a different Anonymous from the one that posted @1:13 PM. I've been reading the discussion and have come out of the woodwork to also confirm that the other Anonymous that posted @1:13 PM has most definitely answered your questions. Going back into the woodwork now.

    11. I asked him/her to point out what I said is a "Republican talking point". I don't see the answer. Do you?

    12. I'm yet a different Anonymous from the other two that have responded to you. I've also been reading the discussion. The first Anonymous answered your question about what a talking point is in the November 23 post @12:01 PM.

    13. I didn't ask what a talking point is ... I asked him to point out where I've used "Republican talking points". I don't see it.

      Now that we have a gaggle of anonymous' perhaps we need to be numbered.

    14. Third Anonymous again. It's called Republican talking points because all of your statements are designed to support persuasively the Republican side of issues.

    15. Third Anonymous again. Definitely agree that all these Anonymouses need to be numbered.

  16. I don't say this because I know President Obama is our best president, but he is a crown on the throne of America as a progressive nation!

  17. @Dixie Dove
    I leave you to converse with the other Anonymous from now on. Good day.

  18. I must say I am fascinated by the Republican Anonymous' tenacity. Very convinced that he is right, certain he has the facts on his side and that leftists are the ones who are brainwashed and misguided. No commenter is going to persuade him of a different point of view... Just like none of us are going to agree with anything he said.

    And face it: that is the only way he will even believe we're listening to him or considering his point of view-- by dropping our point of view and agreeing with him. I thought you were all about thinking for yourself, RA?

    That actually starts when we're kids... Our parents frequently say we're not listening to them when really, we're not obeying them or agreeing with them. I would very much like to see everyone stop conflating listening with compliance. Because who wants to get a rep as a poor listener?

    1. Democrat Anonymous 4 here. Very well said Lucy!

    2. Hear hear Lucy and Anon'! Very well said indeed. I think it's such a shame that the AM rightwing monarchy is uncrackable. It would blow some fuses if the followers of these far right hosts had to hear them grapple with facts for a change.

    3. Democrat Anon2 coming out of the woodwork with an excellent read:

      Now, back into the woodwork.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. The USA is turning into a crap hole thanks to blacks.
