August 31, 2012

Clint Eastwood Senile Bigot, GOP Darling-Fool

That really took the cake. I had wondered what would happen if someone with theatrical experience embraced the racist hate-speech of far-right talk radio and last night we learned. Clint Eastwood truly is far better at it than Limbaugh and Hannity etc. With his horribly demeaning caricature of President Obama, Eastwood showed that he is way better than the pro-talkers at telling N-Word Jokes without using the N-Word.

Clint Eastwood finished the trashing of his entire career reputation with his senile bigotry at the GOP convention and the roars of adulation from the crowd highlighted the mean streak that is today's Republican Party.

This was one of the saddest most disgusting things I have ever seen. God help us all if this monstrousness sparks some kind of blind nationalism. It has been said that when fascism comes to America it will be called 'anti-fascism'. Clint Eastwood is the hateful specter of exactly that.


  1. Dude, you are way off base in your assessment of Clint Eastwood. He seems like a very open-minded and decent guy.

  2. Whoever you are, Dixie Dove, I think it is you that is an intolerant idiot.

  3. Whoever you are, Dixie Dove, I think it is you that is an intolerant idiot.

    1. Here's who I am Cathy-
      Tom Joad says:

      I'll be all around in the dark. I'll be everywhere. Wherever you can look, wherever there's a fight, so hungry people can eat, I'll be there. Wherever there's a cop beatin' up a guy, I'll be there. I'll be in the way guys yell when they're mad. I'll be in the way kids laugh when they're hungry and they know supper's ready, and when the people are eatin' the stuff they raise and livin' in the houses they build, I'll be there, too.

  4. O.k., I see, you're a bit nuts!That explains the bizarre tirade.

  5. Eastwood's performance constituted a debacle and it may have been disrespectful, but he is not a bigot and his message proved anti-fascist. What were you watching? Do you know the definition of fascism? Eastwood suggested that the war in Afghanistan constituted a travesty and that we should pull the troops out "tomorrow"! And as for the charge of bigotry, Eastwood's wife is half-black (and thus one of his daughters is part-black), he received an NAACP Image Award in 1988 for promoting positive images of blacks in film, and he has stated that in adolescence, he thought of himself as "really a black guy in a white body" (page 427 of Richard Schickel's "Clint Eastwood: A Biography").

    1. The Old Man and the Chair
      Like the aging fisherman in Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea, Clint Eastwood put his life's work on the line for the sake of catching the biggest fish of his life, in his RNC speech.
      For all his cinematic success, this was Eastwood's big public moment. Make no mistake, he wasted it and his reputation as a man of dignity and talent was washed away in the storm of his own creation. But it is Governor Romney who plays the character of Santiago in this revision.

      When Eastwood put President Obama in an empty chair he clearly intended to imply he was lecturing the president of the United States. And he wasn't on the Jay Leno Show, where he should have been. And it is Gov. Romney who is ultimately responsible for that. It happened on his watch, at his own convention and it/Eastwood came RIGHT before Rubio introduced Mr. Romney!

      This is an ugly moment Romney can't dodge. He changed his view on abortion three times, he can't recall ganging up on a gay kid in high school, his tax returns are OFF LIMITS, but when he picked Clint Eastwood as his BIG FISH at the political convention he cast himself upon America.

      Like Santiago, Governor Romney arrives at the end of his epic moment with only a skeleton left of his presidential veneer.

  6. Eastwood's performance constituted a debacle and it may have been disrespectful, but he is not a bigot and his message proved anti-fascist. What were you watching? Do you know the definition of fascism? Eastwood suggested that the war in Afghanistan constituted a travesty and that we should pull the troops out "tomorrow"! And as for the charge of bigotry, Eastwood's wife is half-black (and thus one of his daughters is part-black), he received an NAACP Image Award in 1988 for promoting positive images of blacks in film, and he has stated that in adolescence, he thought of himself as "really a black guy in a white body" (page 427 of Richard Schickel's "Clint Eastwood: A Biography").

    1. Has he really had 5 wives? I read that somewhere. 5 wives. Why would anyone CARE what a man like that had to say? 5 wives?

  7. This nut job can't seem to say anything other than "no" when people don't agree with his absurd ranting and raving. Here is an idea: move out of your parents basement, get a job, get a life, and try to lose the nasty, intolerant, and just plain crazy attitude.

    1. The Old Man and the Chair
      Like the aging fisherman in Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea, Clint Eastwood put his life's work on the line for the sake of catching the biggest fish of his life, in his RNC speech.
      For all his cinematic success, this was Eastwood's big public moment. Make no mistake, he wasted it and his reputation as a man of dignity and talent was washed away in the storm of his own creation. But it is Governor Romney who plays the character of Santiago in this revision.

      When Eastwood put President Obama in an empty chair he clearly intended to imply he was lecturing the president of the United States. And he wasn't on the Jay Leno Show, where he should have been. And it is Gov. Romney who is ultimately responsible for that. It happened on his watch, at his own convention and it/Eastwood came RIGHT before Rubio introduced Mr. Romney!

      This is an ugly moment Romney can't dodge. He changed his view on abortion three times, he can't recall ganging up on a gay kid in high school, his tax returns are OFF LIMITS, but when he picked Clint Eastwood as his BIG FISH at the political convention he cast himself upon America.

      Like Santiago, Governor Romney arrives at the end of his epic moment with only a skeleton left of his presidential veneer.

  8. Well, I thought Eastwood's performance was not at all warranted. So beneath him. I was under the impression that Mr. Eastwood liked President Obama and then this most recent expose of his seemed so disrespectful of the office of the President.

    As a kid I was taught total respect for the Presidency. We were taught it was okay to disagree but to never show disrespect.

    Today it is not so. Watching Eastwood and knowing his upbringing must have been similar to mine, I wondered how he could stoop to the level of a common thug....with the obscene suggestions and name calling he was doing---all directed at the President.

    I can only conclude someone took severe advantage of an old man without all his faculties in tact but with a need for one more public "hoorah!". It was obvious Mr. Eastwood was having problems staying on message and with recall. His stuttering and stammering made me feel sorry for the poor old guy.

    Shame on those who took advantage of him.

    1. Well said Yellow Dog. It was sad, but hard for me to forgive. It's made me even more sad to see another old white guy i had loved join in with Eastwood. Bob Newhart has tweeted like this ugliness was an elixir for him. Senility? Peace

    2. So... Jokes are illegal now? I mean jesus, you guys take political correctness to a whole new level. The only reason Obama is focusing on this event is because Clint Eastwood has such sway over so many people. He is a idol to all hollywood fans. The Democratic Media completely tore it to shreds, but what did you expect from a 80 year old man giving a speech on live television? You are a fool if you think he wouldn't have stuttered or stammered. For god's sake, he didn't have a teleprompter, as Obama does for basically every speech he gives. And you guys are calling Clint Eastwood, when you will direct hate towards anyone who doesn't support Obama. I am not even Republican, but I'm DISGUSTED by the way you abuse news, always trying to warp it, forget the facts, and always try to accuse one person of hatespeech.

      Here is the LITERAL process you probably go through when you watch something such as this:

      His favorite color is blue?
      He doesn't like Black?
      He is white!
      He must hate blacks!

      Because "obviously" being white and republican means you hate other ethnicities.

    3. The Old Man and the Chair
      Like the aging fisherman in Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea, Clint Eastwood put his life's work on the line for the sake of catching the biggest fish of his life, in his RNC speech.
      For all his cinematic success, this was Eastwood's big public moment. Make no mistake, he wasted it and his reputation as a man of dignity and talent was washed away in the storm of his own creation. But it is Governor Romney who plays the character of Santiago in this revision.

      When Eastwood put President Obama in an empty chair he clearly intended to imply he was lecturing the president of the United States. And he wasn't on the Jay Leno Show, where he should have been. And it is Gov. Romney who is ultimately responsible for that. It happened on his watch, at his own convention and it/Eastwood came RIGHT before Rubio introduced Mr. Romney!

      This is an ugly moment Romney can't dodge. He changed his view on abortion three times, he can't recall ganging up on a gay kid in high school, his tax returns are OFF LIMITS, but when he picked Clint Eastwood as his BIG FISH at the political convention he cast himself upon America.

      Like Santiago, Governor Romney arrives at the end of his epic moment with only a skeleton left of his presidential veneer.

  9. he received an NAACP Image Award in 1988 for promoting positive images of blacks in film, and he has stated that in adolescence, he thought of himself as "really a black guy in a white body"

    1. And it turns out that was all bullshit, right?
      The Old Man and the Chair
      Like the aging fisherman in Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea, Clint Eastwood put his life's work on the line for the sake of catching the biggest fish of his life, in his RNC speech.
      For all his cinematic success, this was Eastwood's big public moment. Make no mistake, he wasted it and his reputation as a man of dignity and talent was washed away in the storm of his own creation. But it is Governor Romney who plays the character of Santiago in this revision.

      When Eastwood put President Obama in an empty chair he clearly intended to imply he was lecturing the president of the United States. And he wasn't on the Jay Leno Show, where he should have been. And it is Gov. Romney who is ultimately responsible for that. It happened on his watch, at his own convention and it/Eastwood came RIGHT before Rubio introduced Mr. Romney!

      This is an ugly moment Romney can't dodge. He changed his view on abortion three times, he can't recall ganging up on a gay kid in high school, his tax returns are OFF LIMITS, but when he picked Clint Eastwood as his BIG FISH at the political convention he cast himself upon America.

      Like Santiago, Governor Romney arrives at the end of his epic moment with only a skeleton left of his presidential veneer.
